Township Assessor
Barbie Eaton, Assessor
The Assessor is responsible for calculating the Assessed and Taxable value of each property in the township every year. The Assessed Value of a property is approximately 50% of the True Cash Value, or the Market Value of a property. The Taxable Value of a property can only increase by the rate of inflation or 5%, whichever is less, each year until there is a transfer of ownership or physical changes to the property (a building added or demolished for example). If you have questions about your assessment you can contact the Assessor Monday-Friday 9am to 3 pm at the contact information listed above. The Assessor also holds office hours at the Shelby Township hall on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month from 9 am to 12 pm if you prefer to meet in person.
Assessing property is conducted all year. The State Tax commission has requested that 20% of the Township be revisited every year. If we visit your property and you are not home we will leave a bright, pink door hanger informing you that we have been there. There isn’t anything that you need to do. It is just letting you know that we were there measuring the buildings, decks, etc.
During the year the Board of Review meets three times.
The first time is in March and it is for the current year only. At this board meeting the public can present their case if they feel that their property is not being valued correctly. Before you go to the Board of Review please contact the assessor to see if the issue can be resolved.
The second and third meetings for the Board of Review are held in July and December. These meetings are for clerical errors and mutual mistakes of fact.